
19 Art Reviews

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Great detail and color, usually drawings don't faze me, but I find this very creepy

SmokeryDots responds:

That's good right? :)

Pretty cool, but i feel its a little blurry which makes it seem not as clean, though i assume it was intentional to show motion

blizzard0717 responds:

It was intentional yes, but at the same time I kinda suck at drawing water so i just said "fuck it, let's make it all blurry!" LOL. Thanks so much for your review man.

No offence but that is outrageous

Zoju responds:

How so? I spend an appropriate amount of time to work on each drawing, so it ends up to be around 5 dollars per hour (often less, if I feel I need to work on it more, or I have to fix something). You are entitled to your opinion, but five dollars per hour is hardly outrageous.

BRAAAAIN BLAST! good art though

Pretty good, I felt like you could of done more though

Butzbo responds:

I eventually considered 'traditionally' painting it', but it was the kind of drawing that is hard to go and paint considering the "risk" of screwing up, but still, looking back I think it could've been improved somehow with color.
Thanks for dropping by!

Pretty good, thought it was Spyro form the thumbnail lol

itsKris responds:

They ARE both purple :P

Idk well drawn i like the concept for some reason.

SourCherryJack responds:

Cool, cool.

Awesome, like the idea and the style and tone well done

Love it, mainly because these are my favorite and only anime's i watch, great art

Hmm no offence looks a lot like Deathwing, still nice art

Just some bored teen interested in flash but to lazy to use it i see myself as an fine or digital artist mostly, been here longer t on different account.... anyway don't be Jelly of the Deli =)!

Age 30, Male


san diego CA

Joined on 3/25/09

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