Just some bored teen interested in flash but to lazy to use it i see myself as an fine or digital artist mostly, been here longer t on different account.... anyway don't be Jelly of the Deli =)!

Age 30, Male


san diego CA

Joined on 3/25/09

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ok dude no just fucking NO
it wasnt funny to you that much we can understand but really? you have to go off screaming about it your no better then the stupid brat who made that review on a game (that was meant to look like it sucked it was a joke) u can name a million better flash animations? how about you fucking make one you dick i can name a trillion better artists then your half assed work
u wanna say this site sucks? delete your account gtfo this webspace

o so your going to get bitchy because u thought it was funny i bet u think it deserves best flash of the year... its just fucking text get over yourself. u must not know shit about this site so dont even post shit its people like you who just ruin everything...

fail troll

fail at commenting i told u im not a troll i dont even get the whole idea behind that shit i guess im a troll cuz i hate a shitty flash?

Just because it is only text doesn't mean it doesn't deserve recognition. I can agree that the flash animation done by RicePirate by itself was not all that impressive, but the voice acting done by Deven Mack was superb, and he chose to have it represented along side the animation.

Saying it is the dumbest thing you have ever seen is completely arrogant and ignorant. Obviously people find humor in it giving it such amazing scores, and the fact that you don't find humor doesn't mean it doesn't have any.

But since you couldn't find any humor I can understand why you would give it a low score, but a 0? And calling it the dumbest thing you have ever seen? The voice acting was magnificent! How could you possibly give it a zero with that kind of track backing the animation? You claim you can "voice act" in your profile, and yet you show NO respect when you see it done well? Obviously you don't know what voice acting truly is.

Any way, hopefully my comment has shed some light why you are so wrong is so many ways.

thank you for giving me a lecture on voice acting cuz thats obviously not what i was complaining about. i mean i thought it was obvious why i hated it but i guess not... and everyone else thinks its funny so it must have some good....millions loved hitler so he must be that good...now that may be a bit of a rash comparasin but u get my point

I agree I didn't like any of it. The voice acting or the flash. Wasn't funny or entertaining.

finally someone agrees


Shut the fuck up.

lol ok dude you obvoiusly dont know whats going on

i agree with you some of the things on here arnt as good as they could have been and alot of the games and flashes i see are dry and a bit boring but that doesnt mean the site sucks

ya but its delcining so it will be crap

wow your a fucking hypocritical asshole you say newgrounds sucks and you have a account on it, and the dot dot dot thing was really good. You just are one of thos dumb ass that cant appreciate anything good. The guy was saying that he saw this spelling error comment and saw it was just terrible spelling so he voiced it over in a joke. see it in a way that if you were the guy that did the spelling errors and you would like the video. Get a sense of humor. Cunt muffin...

ok i guess i will voice over this comment and get all the awards in the world... and hypocrite? please... school sucks and i say yet i still go so im a hypocrite? right....


hard to not care on the internet...

ok your forced to go to school by law dumbshit. no one likes school.

bahahaha im 18 i dont have to go, im guessing this vid was made for 12 year olds cuz i cant find any humore

Your whistle status is garbage, well! Looks like your argument lost it's point.

Also, I would like to point out that it was a parody piece that the initial author who wrote the review has it in his favorites for it's comical content, excellent voice acting, and rather well done animation. I can understand why you don't like text movies or motion-typography or parodies of reviews/talks, but it certainly does not deserve less than a 5 for effort - think about the time it would have taken the animator to create and synchronize the text. I'm sure your attempt would suck even more even if you tried, collaborated with another artist (and made him do most of the work), and even if it wasn't a flash animation, just an art piece.

On that note, before you start whining and acting all "IMA CRITIC FEAR ME", I suggest you to learn some skills of your own. Like being able to draw art without having to rely on prefab paintbrushes (Like you have done so here: <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/thedeliman/trippy">http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/th edeliman/trippy</a>).

Maybe then people will take your bullshit more seriously :D

ok first wtf whistle status means i can hate thats new... and secondly if i spend 30 days making a moving shit it will be worth somthing? and thrid try agian you were wayyyy of on what i used to make that....

You are an idiot, and a lazy bastard, congratulations

ahaha of course you would know my personality from 1 measly newgrounds post! especially when its irrelevant

Surprisingly, you are getting more attention than ever before, on this site because you derided a publicly acclaimed flash. "Dot Dot Dot" by ricepirate. I think your statement "I knew it newgrounds sucks!!!!" was very tasteless and imbecilic. Like the Virginians of the 1800's, you sir, are a good for nothing PUDDING HEAD.

Now its your turn to hit me with your best shot.

ya surprising on why everyones so defensive.... and i will "hit u with my best shot" when im dumb laughing at your stupid 8 year old insults lol!

No, whistle status just shows how reliable you are when it comes to reviews. Of course it won't be worth watching if you make it - you've got no skill when it comes to flash animations, so you can't justify that the flash in question is crap.

"and thrid try agian you were wayyyy of on what i used to make that"

man idk why all you pricks are getting so defensive you have no need to defend the flash... an i MEAN i made that using adobe illustrater by making shapes applying a color wheel of gradients using a flare effect along with the mesh tool twirls tool an wrinkle tool with the composition

and im not a hypocrite so stop making those accusations

"...all you pricks..."

"an i MEAN i made that using adobe illustrater by making shapes applying a color wheel of gradients using a flare effect along with the mesh tool twirls tool an wrinkle tool with the composition"
Exactly my point, you used prefab tools, brushes, shapes and filter effects rather than, say, making your own digital painting, or at least drawing in vectors.

man u just dont get it, and i want to know a 8 year old who says prick like wtf? and i guess u never used Ai and have no idea what graphic design is....

"man u just dont get it, and i want to know a 8 year old who says prick like wtf?"
No, the point is that you acted all lordy about people calling you insults claiming them to be immature.

"and i guess u never used Ai and have no idea what graphic design is...."
Look at my gallery, Einstein.

ok i never said insults are immature wtf i said his specific ones were, so stop quoting me, cause it seems u forgot why we were arguing, and why even waste your time i will tell you now your not going to change my opinion so give up

I shall quote you because you like to ignore what you said earlier on and then talk about completely different things.
Like, yes, you did call people who called you immature by calling their insults childish (It proceeded to namecalling, etc).

Your opinion, right, but does it really mean much? Judging by your garbage whistle status, no.

ha then why do u care so much? you just going to find any flaw i have so you can use it against me because my opinion is apparently uncalled for you have to find other ways to discredit me, in your mind you seem to believe i have to be wrong so u must find anyway to point it out blah blah blah and dude NO i only called the immature when he called me a pudding head and i said thats something an 8 year old would say i never said the word immature so learn to read

you are the perfect example of that wich you hate..Its people like you how are ruining this site.

Go cry somewhere else, because if you are not part of the answer, you are part of the problem

ahahaha ok i guess im a shitty flash huh... but wait where are all of my awards then?

Please die.

lol ok thats a bit much cuz i dont like a flash?

ramboFox is a great person haha deliman is a stupid as hell

im dumb cuz u like fox haha i love that logic

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